# Maintainer: Luis Henrique # Former Maintainer(s): Former Maintainer # Mandatory pkgname=python-cddb pkgver=1.4 pkgrel=1lm source=("http://cddb-py.sourceforge.net/CDDB.tar.gz") # Optional url=http://cddb-py.sourceforge.net slackdesc=\ ( #|-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------| "cddb-py (CDDB and FreeDB audio CD track info access in Python)" "This is actually a set of three modules to access the CDDB and FreeDB" "online databases of audio CD track titles and information. It includes" "a C extension module to fetch track lengths under Linux, FreeBSD," "OpenBSD, Mac OS X, Solaris, and Win32, which is easily ported to other" "operating systems." ) build() { cd $startdir/src/CDDB-$pkgver python setup.py install --root $startdir/pkg }