# Packager: Phill Watkins pkgname=feh pkgver=1.9 pkgrel=2pw #arch=noarch source=("http://derf.homelinux.org/projects/feh/feh-$pkgver.tar.bz2") sourcetemplate=http://people.salixos.org/pwatk/packages/xap/$pkgname/$pkgver docs=("COPYING") url=http://derf.homelinux.org/projects/feh/ #doinst() { # #} slackdesc=\ ( #|-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------| "feh (imlib2 based image viewer)" "feh is a mode-based image viewer. It is especially aimed at" "commandline users who need a fast image viewer without huge GUI" "dependencies, though it can also be started by (graphical) file" "managers to view an image." "" "feh supports filelists, various image sorting modes, image captions" "and more. Control happens via keyboard shortcuts; the mouse can also" "be used to control it, but is only required for very few actions." ) build() { set -e cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver make \ PREFIX=/usr make install \ DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg \ PREFIX=/usr \ doc_dir=$startdir/pkg/usr/doc/$pkgname-$pkgver \ man_dir=$startdir/pkg/usr/man for camdocs in README ChangeLog ;do install -Dm 0644 cam/$camdocs $startdir/pkg/usr/doc/$pkgname-$pkgver/cam.$camdocs done set +e }