The following packages will be installed: ragel Fetching README... 0%100%100%100%100%100%Done Fetching ragel.SlackBuild... 0%100%100%100%100%100%Done Fetching 0%100%100%100%100%100%Done Fetching slack-desc... 0%100%100%100%100%100%Done ragel-6.9/ ragel-6.9/ ragel-6.9/examples/ ragel-6.9/examples/ ragel-6.9/examples/clang.c ragel-6.9/examples/params.c ragel-6.9/examples/rlscan.cpp ragel-6.9/examples/pullscan.rl ragel-6.9/examples/atoi.rl ragel-6.9/examples/format.c ragel-6.9/examples/rlscan.rl ragel-6.9/examples/concurrent.rl ragel-6.9/examples/mailbox.cpp ragel-6.9/examples/README ragel-6.9/examples/mailbox.rl ragel-6.9/examples/gotocallret.rl ragel-6.9/examples/awkemu.rl ragel-6.9/examples/awkemu.c ragel-6.9/examples/pullscan.c ragel-6.9/examples/gotocallret.cpp ragel-6.9/examples/cppscan.cpp ragel-6.9/examples/concurrent.cpp ragel-6.9/examples/params.rl ragel-6.9/examples/clang.rl ragel-6.9/examples/statechart.cpp ragel-6.9/examples/statechart.rl ragel-6.9/examples/ ragel-6.9/examples/format.rl ragel-6.9/examples/cppscan.rl ragel-6.9/examples/atoi.cpp ragel-6.9/configure ragel-6.9/doc/ ragel-6.9/doc/ ragel-6.9/doc/ ragel-6.9/doc/exallact.fig ragel-6.9/doc/dropdown.fig ragel-6.9/doc/bmor.fig ragel-6.9/doc/exor.fig ragel-6.9/doc/exoption.fig ragel-6.9/doc/ragel-guide.pdf ragel-6.9/doc/bmrange.fig ragel-6.9/doc/bmnull.fig ragel-6.9/doc/bmnum.fig ragel-6.9/doc/stembed.fig ragel-6.9/doc/opconcat.fig ragel-6.9/doc/conds1.fig ragel-6.9/doc/opstar.fig ragel-6.9/doc/bmconcat.fig ragel-6.9/doc/lines2.fig ragel-6.9/doc/exsubtr.fig ragel-6.9/doc/lmkleene.fig ragel-6.9/doc/exinter.fig ragel-6.9/doc/exstrongsubtr.fig ragel-6.9/doc/lines1.fig ragel-6.9/doc/comments1.fig ragel-6.9/doc/exoutact1.fig ragel-6.9/doc/comments2.fig ragel-6.9/doc/ ragel-6.9/doc/exstar.fig ragel-6.9/doc/exconcat.fig ragel-6.9/doc/finguard.fig ragel-6.9/doc/ragel-guide.tex ragel-6.9/doc/exoutact2.fig ragel-6.9/doc/conds2.fig ragel-6.9/doc/exaction.fig ragel-6.9/doc/leftguard.fig ragel-6.9/doc/entryguard.fig ragel-6.9/doc/explus.fig ragel-6.9/doc/bmregex.fig ragel-6.9/doc/exdoneact.fig ragel-6.9/doc/exstact.fig ragel-6.9/doc/exnegate.fig ragel-6.9/doc/opor.fig ragel-6.9/doc/smallscanner.fig ragel-6.9/compile ragel-6.9/aapl/ ragel-6.9/aapl/ ragel-6.9/aapl/dlcommon.h ragel-6.9/aapl/dlistmel.h ragel-6.9/aapl/compare.h ragel-6.9/aapl/avlbasic.h ragel-6.9/aapl/bstset.h ragel-6.9/aapl/insertsort.h ragel-6.9/aapl/sbstset.h ragel-6.9/aapl/avltree.h ragel-6.9/aapl/README ragel-6.9/aapl/bubblesort.h ragel-6.9/aapl/bsttable.h ragel-6.9/aapl/svector.h ragel-6.9/aapl/avlkeyless.h ragel-6.9/aapl/COPYING ragel-6.9/aapl/vector.h ragel-6.9/aapl/avlikeyless.h ragel-6.9/aapl/avlimel.h ragel-6.9/aapl/dlistval.h ragel-6.9/aapl/sbstmap.h ragel-6.9/aapl/quicksort.h ragel-6.9/aapl/sbsttable.h ragel-6.9/aapl/resize.h ragel-6.9/aapl/avlcommon.h ragel-6.9/aapl/avlimap.h ragel-6.9/aapl/ ragel-6.9/aapl/avlset.h ragel-6.9/aapl/avlmap.h ragel-6.9/aapl/mergesort.h ragel-6.9/aapl/avlibasic.h ragel-6.9/aapl/avlmelkey.h ragel-6.9/aapl/dlist.h ragel-6.9/aapl/bstmap.h ragel-6.9/aapl/avlitree.h ragel-6.9/aapl/table.h ragel-6.9/aapl/avlmel.h ragel-6.9/aapl/avliset.h ragel-6.9/aapl/bstcommon.h ragel-6.9/aapl/avlimelkey.h ragel-6.9/README ragel-6.9/COPYING ragel-6.9/missing ragel-6.9/AUTHORS ragel-6.9/aclocal.m4 ragel-6.9/CREDITS ragel-6.9/ragel/ ragel-6.9/ragel/cdipgoto.h ragel-6.9/ragel/cdfgoto.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/ ragel-6.9/ragel/mltable.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/common.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/csflat.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/common.h ragel-6.9/ragel/gogoto.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/gotablish.h ragel-6.9/ragel/rlscan.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/cdflat.h ragel-6.9/ragel/goftable.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/cdfflat.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/rbxgoto.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/ ragel-6.9/ragel/gendata.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/javacodegen.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/buffer.h ragel-6.9/ragel/csgoto.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/rlscan.rl ragel-6.9/ragel/goftable.h ragel-6.9/ragel/csfflat.h ragel-6.9/ragel/mlfflat.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/goflat.h ragel-6.9/ragel/cdtable.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/mlftable.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/mlcodegen.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/cscodegen.h ragel-6.9/ragel/mlftable.h ragel-6.9/ragel/cdftable.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/csgoto.h ragel-6.9/ragel/dotcodegen.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/pcheck.h ragel-6.9/ragel/mlcodegen.h ragel-6.9/ragel/mlflat.h ragel-6.9/ragel/mlgoto.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/fsmstate.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/cdfflat.h ragel-6.9/ragel/ragel.h ragel-6.9/ragel/inputdata.h ragel-6.9/ragel/main.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/rubyfflat.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/gofgoto.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/cdtable.h ragel-6.9/ragel/cdftable.h ragel-6.9/ragel/version.h ragel-6.9/ragel/csipgoto.h ragel-6.9/ragel/gogoto.h ragel-6.9/ragel/mlflat.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/mlfflat.h ragel-6.9/ragel/cdipgoto.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/csfflat.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/rubyftable.h ragel-6.9/ragel/csftable.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/cdgoto.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/fsmattach.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/redfsm.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/gofflat.h ragel-6.9/ragel/rubyflat.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/gocodegen.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/cdcodegen.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/mlgoto.h ragel-6.9/ragel/fsmbase.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/csflat.h ragel-6.9/ragel/rubyflat.h ragel-6.9/ragel/rubytable.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/cstable.h ragel-6.9/ragel/cstable.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/fsmgraph.h ragel-6.9/ragel/csipgoto.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/rbxgoto.h ragel-6.9/ragel/dotcodegen.h ragel-6.9/ragel/rubytable.h ragel-6.9/ragel/cdcodegen.h ragel-6.9/ragel/goflat.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/cdfgoto.h ragel-6.9/ragel/gendata.h ragel-6.9/ragel/gotable.h ragel-6.9/ragel/xmlcodegen.h ragel-6.9/ragel/rlparse.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/gofgoto.h ragel-6.9/ragel/ ragel-6.9/ragel/fsmgraph.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/cdflat.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/parsedata.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/rubycodegen.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/mlfgoto.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/inputdata.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/rlparse.h ragel-6.9/ragel/redfsm.h ragel-6.9/ragel/parsedata.h ragel-6.9/ragel/rlparse.kl ragel-6.9/ragel/ ragel-6.9/ragel/javacodegen.h ragel-6.9/ragel/cdsplit.h ragel-6.9/ragel/cdgoto.h ragel-6.9/ragel/goipgoto.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/csfgoto.h ragel-6.9/ragel/fsmap.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/goipgoto.h ragel-6.9/ragel/parsetree.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/fsmmin.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/mltable.h ragel-6.9/ragel/cdsplit.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/parsetree.h ragel-6.9/ragel/gocodegen.h ragel-6.9/ragel/csfgoto.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/rlscan.h ragel-6.9/ragel/gotablish.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/gofflat.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/rubycodegen.h ragel-6.9/ragel/mlfgoto.h ragel-6.9/ragel/cscodegen.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/gotable.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/rubyfflat.h ragel-6.9/ragel/rubyftable.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/xmlcodegen.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/csftable.h ragel-6.9/ragel/cssplit.cpp ragel-6.9/ragel/cssplit.h ragel-6.9/DIST ragel-6.9/depcomp ragel-6.9/test/ ragel-6.9/test/ ragel-6.9/test/tokstart1.rl ragel-6.9/test/patact.rl ragel-6.9/test/langtrans_d.txl ragel-6.9/test/cond3.rl ragel-6.9/test/cond6.rl ragel-6.9/test/checkeofact.txl ragel-6.9/test/erract3.rl ragel-6.9/test/gotocallret1.rl ragel-6.9/test/rlscan.rl ragel-6.9/test/include2.rl ragel-6.9/test/call3.rl ragel-6.9/test/testcase.txl ragel-6.9/test/erract2.rl ragel-6.9/test/README ragel-6.9/test/cond2.rl ragel-6.9/test/clang1.rl ragel-6.9/test/scan4.rl ragel-6.9/test/recdescent1.rl ragel-6.9/test/high1.rl ragel-6.9/test/mailbox1.h ragel-6.9/test/cppscan6.rl ragel-6.9/test/cppscan3.rl ragel-6.9/test/call2.rl ragel-6.9/test/erract4.rl ragel-6.9/test/langtrans_java.txl ragel-6.9/test/awkemu.rl ragel-6.9/test/clang4.rl ragel-6.9/test/langtrans_c.txl ragel-6.9/test/erract6.rl ragel-6.9/test/recdescent3.rl ragel-6.9/test/mailbox3.rl ragel-6.9/test/union.rl ragel-6.9/test/export1.rl ragel-6.9/test/repetition.rl ragel-6.9/test/cond7.rl ragel-6.9/test/ ragel-6.9/test/eofact.rl ragel-6.9/test/atoi1.rl ragel-6.9/test/mailbox2.rl ragel-6.9/test/recdescent2.rl ragel-6.9/test/element2.rl ragel-6.9/test/call1.rl ragel-6.9/test/erract8.rl ragel-6.9/test/langtrans_ruby.txl ragel-6.9/test/cppscan4.rl ragel-6.9/test/element3.rl ragel-6.9/test/element1.rl ragel-6.9/test/atoi2.rl ragel-6.9/test/java1.rl ragel-6.9/test/range.rl ragel-6.9/test/export2.rl ragel-6.9/test/scan3.rl ragel-6.9/test/mailbox1.rl ragel-6.9/test/xmlcommon.rl ragel-6.9/test/cppscan1.rl ragel-6.9/test/scan2.rl ragel-6.9/test/strings2.h ragel-6.9/test/export4.rl ragel-6.9/test/forder2.rl ragel-6.9/test/ ragel-6.9/test/forder1.rl ragel-6.9/test/eofact.h ragel-6.9/test/export3.rl ragel-6.9/test/fnext1.rl ragel-6.9/test/strings1.rl ragel-6.9/test/ ragel-6.9/test/cond1.rl ragel-6.9/test/cond5.rl ragel-6.9/test/strings2.rl ragel-6.9/test/erract7.rl ragel-6.9/test/java2.rl ragel-6.9/test/clang3.rl ragel-6.9/test/forder3.rl ragel-6.9/test/statechart1.rl ragel-6.9/test/atoi3.rl ragel-6.9/test/erract1.rl ragel-6.9/test/scan1.rl ragel-6.9/test/builtin.rl ragel-6.9/test/high2.rl ragel-6.9/test/high3.rl ragel-6.9/test/cppscan2.rl ragel-6.9/test/ruby1.rl ragel-6.9/test/ ragel-6.9/test/erract9.rl ragel-6.9/test/clang2.rl ragel-6.9/test/ ragel-6.9/test/erract5.rl ragel-6.9/test/gotocallret2.rl ragel-6.9/test/xml.rl ragel-6.9/test/lmgoto.rl ragel-6.9/test/keller1.rl ragel-6.9/test/cppscan5.rl ragel-6.9/test/minimize1.rl ragel-6.9/test/ ragel-6.9/test/stateact1.rl ragel-6.9/test/langtrans_csharp.txl ragel-6.9/test/ ragel-6.9/test/include1.rl ragel-6.9/test/cond4.rl ragel-6.9/test/cppscan1.h ragel-6.9/test/import1.rl ragel-6.9/ ragel-6.9/install-sh ragel-6.9/contrib/ ragel-6.9/contrib/unicode2ragel.rb ragel-6.9/contrib/ ragel-6.9/contrib/ragel.make ragel-6.9/contrib/ ragel-6.9/contrib/ragel.m4 ragel-6.9/test-driver ragel-6.9/TODO ragel-6.9/ragel.vim ragel-6.9/ ragel-6.9/ChangeLog checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/ginstall -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... gawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for g++... g++ checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... yes checking whether g++ accepts -g... yes checking dependency style of g++... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... (cached) yes checking for gdc... no checking for the Objective-C compiler... yes checking for javac... javac checking for txl... no checking for ruby... ruby checking for gmcs... no checking for go... go build checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: creating ragel/Makefile config.status: creating aapl/Makefile config.status: creating doc/Makefile config.status: creating doc/ragel.1 config.status: creating contrib/Makefile config.status: creating test/Makefile config.status: creating test/runtests config.status: creating examples/Makefile config.status: creating ragel/config.h config.status: executing depfiles commands config.status: executing default commands configuration of ragel complete Making all in ragel make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9/ragel' echo '#define VERSION "6.9"' > version.h echo '#define PUBDATE "Oct 2014"' >> version.h make all-am make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9/ragel' g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-main.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-main.Tpo -c -o ragel-main.o `test -f 'main.cpp' || echo './'`main.cpp In file included from parsedata.h:36:0, from, from rlscan.h:28, from main.cpp:50: parsetree.h: In constructor ‘Expression::Expression(Expression*, Term*, Expression::Type)’: parsetree.h:386:2: warning: ‘Expression::builtin’ is initialized with itself [-Winit-self] Expression( Expression *expression, Term *term, Type type ) : ^ parsetree.h: In constructor ‘Expression::Expression(Term*)’: parsetree.h:391:2: warning: ‘Expression::builtin’ is initialized with itself [-Winit-self] Expression( Term *term ) : ^ mv -f .deps/ragel-main.Tpo .deps/ragel-main.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-parsetree.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-parsetree.Tpo -c -o ragel-parsetree.o `test -f 'parsetree.cpp' || echo './'`parsetree.cpp In file included from parsedata.h:36:0, from, from parsetree.cpp:30: parsetree.h: In constructor ‘Expression::Expression(Expression*, Term*, Expression::Type)’: parsetree.h:386:2: warning: ‘Expression::builtin’ is initialized with itself [-Winit-self] Expression( Expression *expression, Term *term, Type type ) : ^ parsetree.h: In constructor ‘Expression::Expression(Term*)’: parsetree.h:391:2: warning: ‘Expression::builtin’ is initialized with itself [-Winit-self] Expression( Term *term ) : ^ parsetree.cpp: In constructor ‘Join::Join(Expression*)’: parsetree.cpp:585:1: warning: ‘Join::loc’ is initialized with itself [-Winit-self] Join::Join( Expression *expr ) ^ mv -f .deps/ragel-parsetree.Tpo .deps/ragel-parsetree.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-parsedata.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-parsedata.Tpo -c -o ragel-parsedata.o `test -f 'parsedata.cpp' || echo './'`parsedata.cpp In file included from parsedata.h:36:0, from, from parsedata.cpp:29: parsetree.h: In constructor ‘Expression::Expression(Expression*, Term*, Expression::Type)’: parsetree.h:386:2: warning: ‘Expression::builtin’ is initialized with itself [-Winit-self] Expression( Expression *expression, Term *term, Type type ) : ^ parsetree.h: In constructor ‘Expression::Expression(Term*)’: parsetree.h:391:2: warning: ‘Expression::builtin’ is initialized with itself [-Winit-self] Expression( Term *term ) : ^ mv -f .deps/ragel-parsedata.Tpo .deps/ragel-parsedata.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-fsmstate.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-fsmstate.Tpo -c -o ragel-fsmstate.o `test -f 'fsmstate.cpp' || echo './'`fsmstate.cpp In file included from fsmstate.cpp:24:0: fsmgraph.h: In instantiation of ‘void PairIter::findNext() [with ListItem1 = TransAp; ListItem2 = TransAp]’: fsmgraph.h:854:10: required from ‘PairIter::PairIter(ListItem1*, ListItem2*) [with ListItem1 = TransAp; ListItem2 = TransAp]’ fsmstate.cpp:198:72: required from here fsmgraph.h:878:7: warning: variable ‘backIn’ set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] bool backIn; ^ fsmgraph.h: In instantiation of ‘void PairIter::findNext() [with ListItem1 = StateCond; ListItem2 = StateCond]’: fsmgraph.h:854:10: required from ‘PairIter::PairIter(ListItem1*, ListItem2*) [with ListItem1 = StateCond; ListItem2 = StateCond]’ fsmstate.cpp:260:87: required from here fsmgraph.h:878:7: warning: variable ‘backIn’ set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] mv -f .deps/ragel-fsmstate.Tpo .deps/ragel-fsmstate.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-fsmbase.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-fsmbase.Tpo -c -o ragel-fsmbase.o `test -f 'fsmbase.cpp' || echo './'`fsmbase.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-fsmbase.Tpo .deps/ragel-fsmbase.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-fsmattach.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-fsmattach.Tpo -c -o ragel-fsmattach.o `test -f 'fsmattach.cpp' || echo './'`fsmattach.cpp In file included from fsmattach.cpp:24:0: fsmgraph.h: In instantiation of ‘void PairIter::findNext() [with ListItem1 = TransAp; ListItem2 = TransAp]’: fsmgraph.h:854:10: required from ‘PairIter::PairIter(ListItem1*, ListItem2*) [with ListItem1 = TransAp; ListItem2 = TransAp]’ fsmattach.cpp:348:57: required from here fsmgraph.h:878:7: warning: variable ‘backIn’ set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] bool backIn; ^ mv -f .deps/ragel-fsmattach.Tpo .deps/ragel-fsmattach.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-fsmmin.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-fsmmin.Tpo -c -o ragel-fsmmin.o `test -f 'fsmmin.cpp' || echo './'`fsmmin.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-fsmmin.Tpo .deps/ragel-fsmmin.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-fsmgraph.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-fsmgraph.Tpo -c -o ragel-fsmgraph.o `test -f 'fsmgraph.cpp' || echo './'`fsmgraph.cpp In file included from parsedata.h:36:0, from fsmgraph.cpp:27: parsetree.h: In constructor ‘Expression::Expression(Expression*, Term*, Expression::Type)’: parsetree.h:386:2: warning: ‘Expression::builtin’ is initialized with itself [-Winit-self] Expression( Expression *expression, Term *term, Type type ) : ^ parsetree.h: In constructor ‘Expression::Expression(Term*)’: parsetree.h:391:2: warning: ‘Expression::builtin’ is initialized with itself [-Winit-self] Expression( Term *term ) : ^ In file included from fsmgraph.cpp:25:0: fsmgraph.h: In instantiation of ‘void PairIter::findNext() [with ListItem1 = TransAp; ListItem2 = StateCond]’: fsmgraph.h:854:10: required from ‘PairIter::PairIter(ListItem1*, ListItem2*) [with ListItem1 = TransAp; ListItem2 = StateCond]’ fsmgraph.cpp:933:33: required from here fsmgraph.h:878:7: warning: variable ‘backIn’ set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] bool backIn; ^ fsmgraph.h: In instantiation of ‘void PairIter::findNext() [with ListItem1 = TransAp; ListItem2 = TransAp]’: fsmgraph.h:854:10: required from ‘PairIter::PairIter(ListItem1*, ListItem2*) [with ListItem1 = TransAp; ListItem2 = TransAp]’ fsmgraph.cpp:970:64: required from here fsmgraph.h:878:7: warning: variable ‘backIn’ set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] fsmgraph.h: In instantiation of ‘void PairIter::findNext() [with ListItem1 = StateCond; ListItem2 = StateCond]’: fsmgraph.h:854:10: required from ‘PairIter::PairIter(ListItem1*, ListItem2*) [with ListItem1 = StateCond; ListItem2 = StateCond]’ fsmgraph.cpp:1001:33: required from here fsmgraph.h:878:7: warning: variable ‘backIn’ set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] fsmgraph.h: In instantiation of ‘void PairIter::findNext() [with ListItem1 = TransAp; ListItem2 = Removal]’: fsmgraph.h:854:10: required from ‘PairIter::PairIter(ListItem1*, ListItem2*) [with ListItem1 = TransAp; ListItem2 = Removal]’ fsmgraph.cpp:1104:74: required from here fsmgraph.h:878:7: warning: variable ‘backIn’ set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] mv -f .deps/ragel-fsmgraph.Tpo .deps/ragel-fsmgraph.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-fsmap.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-fsmap.Tpo -c -o ragel-fsmap.o `test -f 'fsmap.cpp' || echo './'`fsmap.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-fsmap.Tpo .deps/ragel-fsmap.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-rlscan.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-rlscan.Tpo -c -o ragel-rlscan.o `test -f 'rlscan.cpp' || echo './'`rlscan.cpp In file included from parsedata.h:36:0, from, from rlscan.h:28, from rlscan.rl:28: parsetree.h: In constructor ‘Expression::Expression(Expression*, Term*, Expression::Type)’: parsetree.h:386:2: warning: ‘Expression::builtin’ is initialized with itself [-Winit-self] Expression( Expression *expression, Term *term, Type type ) : ^ parsetree.h: In constructor ‘Expression::Expression(Term*)’: parsetree.h:391:2: warning: ‘Expression::builtin’ is initialized with itself [-Winit-self] Expression( Term *term ) : ^ mv -f .deps/ragel-rlscan.Tpo .deps/ragel-rlscan.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-rlparse.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-rlparse.Tpo -c -o ragel-rlparse.o `test -f 'rlparse.cpp' || echo './'`rlparse.cpp In file included from parsedata.h:36:0, from, from rlparse.kl:22: parsetree.h: In constructor ‘Expression::Expression(Expression*, Term*, Expression::Type)’: parsetree.h:386:2: warning: ‘Expression::builtin’ is initialized with itself [-Winit-self] Expression( Expression *expression, Term *term, Type type ) : ^ parsetree.h: In constructor ‘Expression::Expression(Term*)’: parsetree.h:391:2: warning: ‘Expression::builtin’ is initialized with itself [-Winit-self] Expression( Term *term ) : ^ mv -f .deps/ragel-rlparse.Tpo .deps/ragel-rlparse.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-inputdata.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-inputdata.Tpo -c -o ragel-inputdata.o `test -f 'inputdata.cpp' || echo './'`inputdata.cpp In file included from parsedata.h:36:0, from inputdata.cpp:25: parsetree.h: In constructor ‘Expression::Expression(Expression*, Term*, Expression::Type)’: parsetree.h:386:2: warning: ‘Expression::builtin’ is initialized with itself [-Winit-self] Expression( Expression *expression, Term *term, Type type ) : ^ parsetree.h: In constructor ‘Expression::Expression(Term*)’: parsetree.h:391:2: warning: ‘Expression::builtin’ is initialized with itself [-Winit-self] Expression( Term *term ) : ^ mv -f .deps/ragel-inputdata.Tpo .deps/ragel-inputdata.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-common.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-common.Tpo -c -o ragel-common.o `test -f 'common.cpp' || echo './'`common.cpp common.cpp:38:1: warning: narrowing conversion of ‘18446744073709551615ul’ from ‘long unsigned int’ to ‘long long int’ inside { } is ill-formed in C++11 [-Wnarrowing] }; ^ common.cpp:92:1: warning: narrowing conversion of ‘18446744073709551615ull’ from ‘long long unsigned int’ to ‘long long int’ inside { } is ill-formed in C++11 [-Wnarrowing] }; ^ common.cpp:120:1: warning: narrowing conversion of ‘18446744073709551615ul’ from ‘long unsigned int’ to ‘long long int’ inside { } is ill-formed in C++11 [-Wnarrowing] }; ^ mv -f .deps/ragel-common.Tpo .deps/ragel-common.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-redfsm.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-redfsm.Tpo -c -o ragel-redfsm.o `test -f 'redfsm.cpp' || echo './'`redfsm.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-redfsm.Tpo .deps/ragel-redfsm.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-gendata.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-gendata.Tpo -c -o ragel-gendata.o `test -f 'gendata.cpp' || echo './'`gendata.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-gendata.Tpo .deps/ragel-gendata.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-cdcodegen.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-cdcodegen.Tpo -c -o ragel-cdcodegen.o `test -f 'cdcodegen.cpp' || echo './'`cdcodegen.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-cdcodegen.Tpo .deps/ragel-cdcodegen.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-cdtable.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-cdtable.Tpo -c -o ragel-cdtable.o `test -f 'cdtable.cpp' || echo './'`cdtable.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-cdtable.Tpo .deps/ragel-cdtable.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-cdftable.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-cdftable.Tpo -c -o ragel-cdftable.o `test -f 'cdftable.cpp' || echo './'`cdftable.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-cdftable.Tpo .deps/ragel-cdftable.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-cdflat.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-cdflat.Tpo -c -o ragel-cdflat.o `test -f 'cdflat.cpp' || echo './'`cdflat.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-cdflat.Tpo .deps/ragel-cdflat.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-cdfflat.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-cdfflat.Tpo -c -o ragel-cdfflat.o `test -f 'cdfflat.cpp' || echo './'`cdfflat.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-cdfflat.Tpo .deps/ragel-cdfflat.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-cdgoto.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-cdgoto.Tpo -c -o ragel-cdgoto.o `test -f 'cdgoto.cpp' || echo './'`cdgoto.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-cdgoto.Tpo .deps/ragel-cdgoto.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-cdfgoto.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-cdfgoto.Tpo -c -o ragel-cdfgoto.o `test -f 'cdfgoto.cpp' || echo './'`cdfgoto.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-cdfgoto.Tpo .deps/ragel-cdfgoto.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-cdipgoto.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-cdipgoto.Tpo -c -o ragel-cdipgoto.o `test -f 'cdipgoto.cpp' || echo './'`cdipgoto.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-cdipgoto.Tpo .deps/ragel-cdipgoto.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-cdsplit.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-cdsplit.Tpo -c -o ragel-cdsplit.o `test -f 'cdsplit.cpp' || echo './'`cdsplit.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-cdsplit.Tpo .deps/ragel-cdsplit.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-javacodegen.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-javacodegen.Tpo -c -o ragel-javacodegen.o `test -f 'javacodegen.cpp' || echo './'`javacodegen.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-javacodegen.Tpo .deps/ragel-javacodegen.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-rubycodegen.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-rubycodegen.Tpo -c -o ragel-rubycodegen.o `test -f 'rubycodegen.cpp' || echo './'`rubycodegen.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-rubycodegen.Tpo .deps/ragel-rubycodegen.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-rubytable.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-rubytable.Tpo -c -o ragel-rubytable.o `test -f 'rubytable.cpp' || echo './'`rubytable.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-rubytable.Tpo .deps/ragel-rubytable.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-rubyftable.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-rubyftable.Tpo -c -o ragel-rubyftable.o `test -f 'rubyftable.cpp' || echo './'`rubyftable.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-rubyftable.Tpo .deps/ragel-rubyftable.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-rubyflat.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-rubyflat.Tpo -c -o ragel-rubyflat.o `test -f 'rubyflat.cpp' || echo './'`rubyflat.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-rubyflat.Tpo .deps/ragel-rubyflat.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-rubyfflat.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-rubyfflat.Tpo -c -o ragel-rubyfflat.o `test -f 'rubyfflat.cpp' || echo './'`rubyfflat.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-rubyfflat.Tpo .deps/ragel-rubyfflat.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-rbxgoto.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-rbxgoto.Tpo -c -o ragel-rbxgoto.o `test -f 'rbxgoto.cpp' || echo './'`rbxgoto.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-rbxgoto.Tpo .deps/ragel-rbxgoto.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-cscodegen.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-cscodegen.Tpo -c -o ragel-cscodegen.o `test -f 'cscodegen.cpp' || echo './'`cscodegen.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-cscodegen.Tpo .deps/ragel-cscodegen.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-cstable.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-cstable.Tpo -c -o ragel-cstable.o `test -f 'cstable.cpp' || echo './'`cstable.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-cstable.Tpo .deps/ragel-cstable.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-csftable.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-csftable.Tpo -c -o ragel-csftable.o `test -f 'csftable.cpp' || echo './'`csftable.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-csftable.Tpo .deps/ragel-csftable.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-csflat.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-csflat.Tpo -c -o ragel-csflat.o `test -f 'csflat.cpp' || echo './'`csflat.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-csflat.Tpo .deps/ragel-csflat.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-csfflat.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-csfflat.Tpo -c -o ragel-csfflat.o `test -f 'csfflat.cpp' || echo './'`csfflat.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-csfflat.Tpo .deps/ragel-csfflat.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-csgoto.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-csgoto.Tpo -c -o ragel-csgoto.o `test -f 'csgoto.cpp' || echo './'`csgoto.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-csgoto.Tpo .deps/ragel-csgoto.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-csfgoto.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-csfgoto.Tpo -c -o ragel-csfgoto.o `test -f 'csfgoto.cpp' || echo './'`csfgoto.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-csfgoto.Tpo .deps/ragel-csfgoto.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-csipgoto.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-csipgoto.Tpo -c -o ragel-csipgoto.o `test -f 'csipgoto.cpp' || echo './'`csipgoto.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-csipgoto.Tpo .deps/ragel-csipgoto.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-cssplit.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-cssplit.Tpo -c -o ragel-cssplit.o `test -f 'cssplit.cpp' || echo './'`cssplit.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-cssplit.Tpo .deps/ragel-cssplit.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-dotcodegen.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-dotcodegen.Tpo -c -o ragel-dotcodegen.o `test -f 'dotcodegen.cpp' || echo './'`dotcodegen.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-dotcodegen.Tpo .deps/ragel-dotcodegen.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-xmlcodegen.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-xmlcodegen.Tpo -c -o ragel-xmlcodegen.o `test -f 'xmlcodegen.cpp' || echo './'`xmlcodegen.cpp In file included from parsedata.h:36:0, from xmlcodegen.h:28, from xmlcodegen.cpp:24: parsetree.h: In constructor ‘Expression::Expression(Expression*, Term*, Expression::Type)’: parsetree.h:386:2: warning: ‘Expression::builtin’ is initialized with itself [-Winit-self] Expression( Expression *expression, Term *term, Type type ) : ^ parsetree.h: In constructor ‘Expression::Expression(Term*)’: parsetree.h:391:2: warning: ‘Expression::builtin’ is initialized with itself [-Winit-self] Expression( Term *term ) : ^ mv -f .deps/ragel-xmlcodegen.Tpo .deps/ragel-xmlcodegen.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-gocodegen.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-gocodegen.Tpo -c -o ragel-gocodegen.o `test -f 'gocodegen.cpp' || echo './'`gocodegen.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-gocodegen.Tpo .deps/ragel-gocodegen.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-gotable.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-gotable.Tpo -c -o ragel-gotable.o `test -f 'gotable.cpp' || echo './'`gotable.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-gotable.Tpo .deps/ragel-gotable.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-goftable.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-goftable.Tpo -c -o ragel-goftable.o `test -f 'goftable.cpp' || echo './'`goftable.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-goftable.Tpo .deps/ragel-goftable.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-goflat.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-goflat.Tpo -c -o ragel-goflat.o `test -f 'goflat.cpp' || echo './'`goflat.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-goflat.Tpo .deps/ragel-goflat.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-gofflat.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-gofflat.Tpo -c -o ragel-gofflat.o `test -f 'gofflat.cpp' || echo './'`gofflat.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-gofflat.Tpo .deps/ragel-gofflat.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-gogoto.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-gogoto.Tpo -c -o ragel-gogoto.o `test -f 'gogoto.cpp' || echo './'`gogoto.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-gogoto.Tpo .deps/ragel-gogoto.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-gofgoto.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-gofgoto.Tpo -c -o ragel-gofgoto.o `test -f 'gofgoto.cpp' || echo './'`gofgoto.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-gofgoto.Tpo .deps/ragel-gofgoto.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-goipgoto.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-goipgoto.Tpo -c -o ragel-goipgoto.o `test -f 'goipgoto.cpp' || echo './'`goipgoto.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-goipgoto.Tpo .deps/ragel-goipgoto.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-gotablish.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-gotablish.Tpo -c -o ragel-gotablish.o `test -f 'gotablish.cpp' || echo './'`gotablish.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-gotablish.Tpo .deps/ragel-gotablish.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-mlcodegen.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-mlcodegen.Tpo -c -o ragel-mlcodegen.o `test -f 'mlcodegen.cpp' || echo './'`mlcodegen.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-mlcodegen.Tpo .deps/ragel-mlcodegen.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-mltable.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-mltable.Tpo -c -o ragel-mltable.o `test -f 'mltable.cpp' || echo './'`mltable.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-mltable.Tpo .deps/ragel-mltable.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-mlftable.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-mlftable.Tpo -c -o ragel-mlftable.o `test -f 'mlftable.cpp' || echo './'`mlftable.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-mlftable.Tpo .deps/ragel-mlftable.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-mlflat.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-mlflat.Tpo -c -o ragel-mlflat.o `test -f 'mlflat.cpp' || echo './'`mlflat.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-mlflat.Tpo .deps/ragel-mlflat.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-mlfflat.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-mlfflat.Tpo -c -o ragel-mlfflat.o `test -f 'mlfflat.cpp' || echo './'`mlfflat.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-mlfflat.Tpo .deps/ragel-mlfflat.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-mlgoto.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-mlgoto.Tpo -c -o ragel-mlgoto.o `test -f 'mlgoto.cpp' || echo './'`mlgoto.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-mlgoto.Tpo .deps/ragel-mlgoto.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-mlfgoto.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-mlfgoto.Tpo -c -o ragel-mlfgoto.o `test -f 'mlfgoto.cpp' || echo './'`mlfgoto.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-mlfgoto.Tpo .deps/ragel-mlfgoto.Po g++ -Wall -O2 -fPIC -o ragel ragel-main.o ragel-parsetree.o ragel-parsedata.o ragel-fsmstate.o ragel-fsmbase.o ragel-fsmattach.o ragel-fsmmin.o ragel-fsmgraph.o ragel-fsmap.o ragel-rlscan.o ragel-rlparse.o ragel-inputdata.o ragel-common.o ragel-redfsm.o ragel-gendata.o ragel-cdcodegen.o ragel-cdtable.o ragel-cdftable.o ragel-cdflat.o ragel-cdfflat.o ragel-cdgoto.o ragel-cdfgoto.o ragel-cdipgoto.o ragel-cdsplit.o ragel-javacodegen.o ragel-rubycodegen.o ragel-rubytable.o ragel-rubyftable.o ragel-rubyflat.o ragel-rubyfflat.o ragel-rbxgoto.o ragel-cscodegen.o ragel-cstable.o ragel-csftable.o ragel-csflat.o ragel-csfflat.o ragel-csgoto.o ragel-csfgoto.o ragel-csipgoto.o ragel-cssplit.o ragel-dotcodegen.o ragel-xmlcodegen.o ragel-gocodegen.o ragel-gotable.o ragel-goftable.o ragel-goflat.o ragel-gofflat.o ragel-gogoto.o ragel-gofgoto.o ragel-goipgoto.o ragel-gotablish.o ragel-mlcodegen.o ragel-mltable.o ragel-mlftable.o ragel-mlflat.o ragel-mlfflat.o ragel-mlgoto.o ragel-mlfgoto.o make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9/ragel' make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9/ragel' Making all in doc make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9/doc' make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'all'. make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9/doc' make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9' make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'all-am'. make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9' Making clean in ragel make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9/ragel' test -z "ragel" || rm -f ragel test -z "" || rm -f rm -f *.o make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9/ragel' Making clean in doc make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9/doc' make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'clean'. make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9/doc' make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9' make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'clean-am'. make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/ginstall -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... gawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for g++... g++ checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... yes checking whether g++ accepts -g... yes checking dependency style of g++... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... (cached) yes checking for ragel... ragel checking for kelbt... kelbt checking for fig2dev... fig2dev checking for pdflatex... pdflatex checking for gdc... no checking for the Objective-C compiler... yes checking for javac... javac checking for txl... no checking for ruby... ruby checking for gmcs... no checking for go... go build checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: creating ragel/Makefile config.status: creating aapl/Makefile config.status: creating doc/Makefile config.status: creating doc/ragel.1 config.status: creating contrib/Makefile config.status: creating test/Makefile config.status: creating test/runtests config.status: creating examples/Makefile config.status: creating ragel/config.h config.status: ragel/config.h is unchanged config.status: executing depfiles commands config.status: executing default commands configuration of ragel complete Making all in ragel make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9/ragel' echo '#define VERSION "6.9"' > version.h echo '#define PUBDATE "Oct 2014"' >> version.h make all-am make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9/ragel' g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-main.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-main.Tpo -c -o ragel-main.o `test -f 'main.cpp' || echo './'`main.cpp In file included from parsedata.h:36:0, from, from rlscan.h:28, from main.cpp:50: parsetree.h: In constructor ‘Expression::Expression(Expression*, Term*, Expression::Type)’: parsetree.h:386:2: warning: ‘Expression::builtin’ is initialized with itself [-Winit-self] Expression( Expression *expression, Term *term, Type type ) : ^ parsetree.h: In constructor ‘Expression::Expression(Term*)’: parsetree.h:391:2: warning: ‘Expression::builtin’ is initialized with itself [-Winit-self] Expression( Term *term ) : ^ mv -f .deps/ragel-main.Tpo .deps/ragel-main.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-parsetree.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-parsetree.Tpo -c -o ragel-parsetree.o `test -f 'parsetree.cpp' || echo './'`parsetree.cpp In file included from parsedata.h:36:0, from, from parsetree.cpp:30: parsetree.h: In constructor ‘Expression::Expression(Expression*, Term*, Expression::Type)’: parsetree.h:386:2: warning: ‘Expression::builtin’ is initialized with itself [-Winit-self] Expression( Expression *expression, Term *term, Type type ) : ^ parsetree.h: In constructor ‘Expression::Expression(Term*)’: parsetree.h:391:2: warning: ‘Expression::builtin’ is initialized with itself [-Winit-self] Expression( Term *term ) : ^ parsetree.cpp: In constructor ‘Join::Join(Expression*)’: parsetree.cpp:585:1: warning: ‘Join::loc’ is initialized with itself [-Winit-self] Join::Join( Expression *expr ) ^ mv -f .deps/ragel-parsetree.Tpo .deps/ragel-parsetree.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-parsedata.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-parsedata.Tpo -c -o ragel-parsedata.o `test -f 'parsedata.cpp' || echo './'`parsedata.cpp In file included from parsedata.h:36:0, from, from parsedata.cpp:29: parsetree.h: In constructor ‘Expression::Expression(Expression*, Term*, Expression::Type)’: parsetree.h:386:2: warning: ‘Expression::builtin’ is initialized with itself [-Winit-self] Expression( Expression *expression, Term *term, Type type ) : ^ parsetree.h: In constructor ‘Expression::Expression(Term*)’: parsetree.h:391:2: warning: ‘Expression::builtin’ is initialized with itself [-Winit-self] Expression( Term *term ) : ^ mv -f .deps/ragel-parsedata.Tpo .deps/ragel-parsedata.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-fsmstate.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-fsmstate.Tpo -c -o ragel-fsmstate.o `test -f 'fsmstate.cpp' || echo './'`fsmstate.cpp In file included from fsmstate.cpp:24:0: fsmgraph.h: In instantiation of ‘void PairIter::findNext() [with ListItem1 = TransAp; ListItem2 = TransAp]’: fsmgraph.h:854:10: required from ‘PairIter::PairIter(ListItem1*, ListItem2*) [with ListItem1 = TransAp; ListItem2 = TransAp]’ fsmstate.cpp:198:72: required from here fsmgraph.h:878:7: warning: variable ‘backIn’ set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] bool backIn; ^ fsmgraph.h: In instantiation of ‘void PairIter::findNext() [with ListItem1 = StateCond; ListItem2 = StateCond]’: fsmgraph.h:854:10: required from ‘PairIter::PairIter(ListItem1*, ListItem2*) [with ListItem1 = StateCond; ListItem2 = StateCond]’ fsmstate.cpp:260:87: required from here fsmgraph.h:878:7: warning: variable ‘backIn’ set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] mv -f .deps/ragel-fsmstate.Tpo .deps/ragel-fsmstate.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-fsmbase.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-fsmbase.Tpo -c -o ragel-fsmbase.o `test -f 'fsmbase.cpp' || echo './'`fsmbase.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-fsmbase.Tpo .deps/ragel-fsmbase.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-fsmattach.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-fsmattach.Tpo -c -o ragel-fsmattach.o `test -f 'fsmattach.cpp' || echo './'`fsmattach.cpp In file included from fsmattach.cpp:24:0: fsmgraph.h: In instantiation of ‘void PairIter::findNext() [with ListItem1 = TransAp; ListItem2 = TransAp]’: fsmgraph.h:854:10: required from ‘PairIter::PairIter(ListItem1*, ListItem2*) [with ListItem1 = TransAp; ListItem2 = TransAp]’ fsmattach.cpp:348:57: required from here fsmgraph.h:878:7: warning: variable ‘backIn’ set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] bool backIn; ^ mv -f .deps/ragel-fsmattach.Tpo .deps/ragel-fsmattach.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-fsmmin.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-fsmmin.Tpo -c -o ragel-fsmmin.o `test -f 'fsmmin.cpp' || echo './'`fsmmin.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-fsmmin.Tpo .deps/ragel-fsmmin.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-fsmgraph.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-fsmgraph.Tpo -c -o ragel-fsmgraph.o `test -f 'fsmgraph.cpp' || echo './'`fsmgraph.cpp In file included from parsedata.h:36:0, from fsmgraph.cpp:27: parsetree.h: In constructor ‘Expression::Expression(Expression*, Term*, Expression::Type)’: parsetree.h:386:2: warning: ‘Expression::builtin’ is initialized with itself [-Winit-self] Expression( Expression *expression, Term *term, Type type ) : ^ parsetree.h: In constructor ‘Expression::Expression(Term*)’: parsetree.h:391:2: warning: ‘Expression::builtin’ is initialized with itself [-Winit-self] Expression( Term *term ) : ^ In file included from fsmgraph.cpp:25:0: fsmgraph.h: In instantiation of ‘void PairIter::findNext() [with ListItem1 = TransAp; ListItem2 = StateCond]’: fsmgraph.h:854:10: required from ‘PairIter::PairIter(ListItem1*, ListItem2*) [with ListItem1 = TransAp; ListItem2 = StateCond]’ fsmgraph.cpp:933:33: required from here fsmgraph.h:878:7: warning: variable ‘backIn’ set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] bool backIn; ^ fsmgraph.h: In instantiation of ‘void PairIter::findNext() [with ListItem1 = TransAp; ListItem2 = TransAp]’: fsmgraph.h:854:10: required from ‘PairIter::PairIter(ListItem1*, ListItem2*) [with ListItem1 = TransAp; ListItem2 = TransAp]’ fsmgraph.cpp:970:64: required from here fsmgraph.h:878:7: warning: variable ‘backIn’ set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] fsmgraph.h: In instantiation of ‘void PairIter::findNext() [with ListItem1 = StateCond; ListItem2 = StateCond]’: fsmgraph.h:854:10: required from ‘PairIter::PairIter(ListItem1*, ListItem2*) [with ListItem1 = StateCond; ListItem2 = StateCond]’ fsmgraph.cpp:1001:33: required from here fsmgraph.h:878:7: warning: variable ‘backIn’ set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] fsmgraph.h: In instantiation of ‘void PairIter::findNext() [with ListItem1 = TransAp; ListItem2 = Removal]’: fsmgraph.h:854:10: required from ‘PairIter::PairIter(ListItem1*, ListItem2*) [with ListItem1 = TransAp; ListItem2 = Removal]’ fsmgraph.cpp:1104:74: required from here fsmgraph.h:878:7: warning: variable ‘backIn’ set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] mv -f .deps/ragel-fsmgraph.Tpo .deps/ragel-fsmgraph.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-fsmap.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-fsmap.Tpo -c -o ragel-fsmap.o `test -f 'fsmap.cpp' || echo './'`fsmap.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-fsmap.Tpo .deps/ragel-fsmap.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-rlscan.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-rlscan.Tpo -c -o ragel-rlscan.o `test -f 'rlscan.cpp' || echo './'`rlscan.cpp In file included from parsedata.h:36:0, from, from rlscan.h:28, from rlscan.rl:28: parsetree.h: In constructor ‘Expression::Expression(Expression*, Term*, Expression::Type)’: parsetree.h:386:2: warning: ‘Expression::builtin’ is initialized with itself [-Winit-self] Expression( Expression *expression, Term *term, Type type ) : ^ parsetree.h: In constructor ‘Expression::Expression(Term*)’: parsetree.h:391:2: warning: ‘Expression::builtin’ is initialized with itself [-Winit-self] Expression( Term *term ) : ^ mv -f .deps/ragel-rlscan.Tpo .deps/ragel-rlscan.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-rlparse.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-rlparse.Tpo -c -o ragel-rlparse.o `test -f 'rlparse.cpp' || echo './'`rlparse.cpp In file included from parsedata.h:36:0, from, from rlparse.kl:22: parsetree.h: In constructor ‘Expression::Expression(Expression*, Term*, Expression::Type)’: parsetree.h:386:2: warning: ‘Expression::builtin’ is initialized with itself [-Winit-self] Expression( Expression *expression, Term *term, Type type ) : ^ parsetree.h: In constructor ‘Expression::Expression(Term*)’: parsetree.h:391:2: warning: ‘Expression::builtin’ is initialized with itself [-Winit-self] Expression( Term *term ) : ^ mv -f .deps/ragel-rlparse.Tpo .deps/ragel-rlparse.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-inputdata.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-inputdata.Tpo -c -o ragel-inputdata.o `test -f 'inputdata.cpp' || echo './'`inputdata.cpp In file included from parsedata.h:36:0, from inputdata.cpp:25: parsetree.h: In constructor ‘Expression::Expression(Expression*, Term*, Expression::Type)’: parsetree.h:386:2: warning: ‘Expression::builtin’ is initialized with itself [-Winit-self] Expression( Expression *expression, Term *term, Type type ) : ^ parsetree.h: In constructor ‘Expression::Expression(Term*)’: parsetree.h:391:2: warning: ‘Expression::builtin’ is initialized with itself [-Winit-self] Expression( Term *term ) : ^ mv -f .deps/ragel-inputdata.Tpo .deps/ragel-inputdata.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-common.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-common.Tpo -c -o ragel-common.o `test -f 'common.cpp' || echo './'`common.cpp common.cpp:38:1: warning: narrowing conversion of ‘18446744073709551615ul’ from ‘long unsigned int’ to ‘long long int’ inside { } is ill-formed in C++11 [-Wnarrowing] }; ^ common.cpp:92:1: warning: narrowing conversion of ‘18446744073709551615ull’ from ‘long long unsigned int’ to ‘long long int’ inside { } is ill-formed in C++11 [-Wnarrowing] }; ^ common.cpp:120:1: warning: narrowing conversion of ‘18446744073709551615ul’ from ‘long unsigned int’ to ‘long long int’ inside { } is ill-formed in C++11 [-Wnarrowing] }; ^ mv -f .deps/ragel-common.Tpo .deps/ragel-common.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-redfsm.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-redfsm.Tpo -c -o ragel-redfsm.o `test -f 'redfsm.cpp' || echo './'`redfsm.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-redfsm.Tpo .deps/ragel-redfsm.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-gendata.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-gendata.Tpo -c -o ragel-gendata.o `test -f 'gendata.cpp' || echo './'`gendata.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-gendata.Tpo .deps/ragel-gendata.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-cdcodegen.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-cdcodegen.Tpo -c -o ragel-cdcodegen.o `test -f 'cdcodegen.cpp' || echo './'`cdcodegen.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-cdcodegen.Tpo .deps/ragel-cdcodegen.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-cdtable.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-cdtable.Tpo -c -o ragel-cdtable.o `test -f 'cdtable.cpp' || echo './'`cdtable.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-cdtable.Tpo .deps/ragel-cdtable.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-cdftable.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-cdftable.Tpo -c -o ragel-cdftable.o `test -f 'cdftable.cpp' || echo './'`cdftable.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-cdftable.Tpo .deps/ragel-cdftable.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-cdflat.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-cdflat.Tpo -c -o ragel-cdflat.o `test -f 'cdflat.cpp' || echo './'`cdflat.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-cdflat.Tpo .deps/ragel-cdflat.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-cdfflat.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-cdfflat.Tpo -c -o ragel-cdfflat.o `test -f 'cdfflat.cpp' || echo './'`cdfflat.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-cdfflat.Tpo .deps/ragel-cdfflat.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-cdgoto.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-cdgoto.Tpo -c -o ragel-cdgoto.o `test -f 'cdgoto.cpp' || echo './'`cdgoto.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-cdgoto.Tpo .deps/ragel-cdgoto.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-cdfgoto.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-cdfgoto.Tpo -c -o ragel-cdfgoto.o `test -f 'cdfgoto.cpp' || echo './'`cdfgoto.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-cdfgoto.Tpo .deps/ragel-cdfgoto.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-cdipgoto.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-cdipgoto.Tpo -c -o ragel-cdipgoto.o `test -f 'cdipgoto.cpp' || echo './'`cdipgoto.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-cdipgoto.Tpo .deps/ragel-cdipgoto.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-cdsplit.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-cdsplit.Tpo -c -o ragel-cdsplit.o `test -f 'cdsplit.cpp' || echo './'`cdsplit.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-cdsplit.Tpo .deps/ragel-cdsplit.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-javacodegen.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-javacodegen.Tpo -c -o ragel-javacodegen.o `test -f 'javacodegen.cpp' || echo './'`javacodegen.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-javacodegen.Tpo .deps/ragel-javacodegen.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-rubycodegen.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-rubycodegen.Tpo -c -o ragel-rubycodegen.o `test -f 'rubycodegen.cpp' || echo './'`rubycodegen.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-rubycodegen.Tpo .deps/ragel-rubycodegen.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-rubytable.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-rubytable.Tpo -c -o ragel-rubytable.o `test -f 'rubytable.cpp' || echo './'`rubytable.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-rubytable.Tpo .deps/ragel-rubytable.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-rubyftable.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-rubyftable.Tpo -c -o ragel-rubyftable.o `test -f 'rubyftable.cpp' || echo './'`rubyftable.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-rubyftable.Tpo .deps/ragel-rubyftable.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-rubyflat.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-rubyflat.Tpo -c -o ragel-rubyflat.o `test -f 'rubyflat.cpp' || echo './'`rubyflat.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-rubyflat.Tpo .deps/ragel-rubyflat.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-rubyfflat.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-rubyfflat.Tpo -c -o ragel-rubyfflat.o `test -f 'rubyfflat.cpp' || echo './'`rubyfflat.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-rubyfflat.Tpo .deps/ragel-rubyfflat.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-rbxgoto.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-rbxgoto.Tpo -c -o ragel-rbxgoto.o `test -f 'rbxgoto.cpp' || echo './'`rbxgoto.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-rbxgoto.Tpo .deps/ragel-rbxgoto.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-cscodegen.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-cscodegen.Tpo -c -o ragel-cscodegen.o `test -f 'cscodegen.cpp' || echo './'`cscodegen.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-cscodegen.Tpo .deps/ragel-cscodegen.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-cstable.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-cstable.Tpo -c -o ragel-cstable.o `test -f 'cstable.cpp' || echo './'`cstable.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-cstable.Tpo .deps/ragel-cstable.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-csftable.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-csftable.Tpo -c -o ragel-csftable.o `test -f 'csftable.cpp' || echo './'`csftable.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-csftable.Tpo .deps/ragel-csftable.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-csflat.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-csflat.Tpo -c -o ragel-csflat.o `test -f 'csflat.cpp' || echo './'`csflat.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-csflat.Tpo .deps/ragel-csflat.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-csfflat.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-csfflat.Tpo -c -o ragel-csfflat.o `test -f 'csfflat.cpp' || echo './'`csfflat.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-csfflat.Tpo .deps/ragel-csfflat.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-csgoto.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-csgoto.Tpo -c -o ragel-csgoto.o `test -f 'csgoto.cpp' || echo './'`csgoto.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-csgoto.Tpo .deps/ragel-csgoto.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-csfgoto.o -MD -MP -MF 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`test -f 'xmlcodegen.cpp' || echo './'`xmlcodegen.cpp In file included from parsedata.h:36:0, from xmlcodegen.h:28, from xmlcodegen.cpp:24: parsetree.h: In constructor ‘Expression::Expression(Expression*, Term*, Expression::Type)’: parsetree.h:386:2: warning: ‘Expression::builtin’ is initialized with itself [-Winit-self] Expression( Expression *expression, Term *term, Type type ) : ^ parsetree.h: In constructor ‘Expression::Expression(Term*)’: parsetree.h:391:2: warning: ‘Expression::builtin’ is initialized with itself [-Winit-self] Expression( Term *term ) : ^ mv -f .deps/ragel-xmlcodegen.Tpo .deps/ragel-xmlcodegen.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-gocodegen.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-gocodegen.Tpo -c -o ragel-gocodegen.o `test -f 'gocodegen.cpp' || echo './'`gocodegen.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-gocodegen.Tpo .deps/ragel-gocodegen.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-gotable.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-gotable.Tpo -c -o ragel-gotable.o `test -f 'gotable.cpp' || echo './'`gotable.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-gotable.Tpo .deps/ragel-gotable.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-goftable.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-goftable.Tpo -c -o ragel-goftable.o `test -f 'goftable.cpp' || echo './'`goftable.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-goftable.Tpo .deps/ragel-goftable.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-goflat.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-goflat.Tpo -c -o ragel-goflat.o `test -f 'goflat.cpp' || echo './'`goflat.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-goflat.Tpo .deps/ragel-goflat.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-gofflat.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-gofflat.Tpo -c -o ragel-gofflat.o `test -f 'gofflat.cpp' || echo './'`gofflat.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-gofflat.Tpo .deps/ragel-gofflat.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-gogoto.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-gogoto.Tpo -c -o ragel-gogoto.o `test -f 'gogoto.cpp' || echo './'`gogoto.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-gogoto.Tpo .deps/ragel-gogoto.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-gofgoto.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-gofgoto.Tpo -c -o ragel-gofgoto.o `test -f 'gofgoto.cpp' || echo './'`gofgoto.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-gofgoto.Tpo .deps/ragel-gofgoto.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-goipgoto.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-goipgoto.Tpo -c -o ragel-goipgoto.o `test -f 'goipgoto.cpp' || echo './'`goipgoto.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-goipgoto.Tpo .deps/ragel-goipgoto.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-gotablish.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-gotablish.Tpo -c -o ragel-gotablish.o `test -f 'gotablish.cpp' || echo './'`gotablish.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-gotablish.Tpo .deps/ragel-gotablish.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-mlcodegen.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-mlcodegen.Tpo -c -o ragel-mlcodegen.o `test -f 'mlcodegen.cpp' || echo './'`mlcodegen.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-mlcodegen.Tpo .deps/ragel-mlcodegen.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-mltable.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-mltable.Tpo -c -o ragel-mltable.o `test -f 'mltable.cpp' || echo './'`mltable.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-mltable.Tpo .deps/ragel-mltable.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-mlftable.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-mlftable.Tpo -c -o ragel-mlftable.o `test -f 'mlftable.cpp' || echo './'`mlftable.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-mlftable.Tpo .deps/ragel-mlftable.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-mlflat.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-mlflat.Tpo -c -o ragel-mlflat.o `test -f 'mlflat.cpp' || echo './'`mlflat.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-mlflat.Tpo .deps/ragel-mlflat.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-mlfflat.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-mlfflat.Tpo -c -o ragel-mlfflat.o `test -f 'mlfflat.cpp' || echo './'`mlfflat.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-mlfflat.Tpo .deps/ragel-mlfflat.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-mlgoto.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-mlgoto.Tpo -c -o ragel-mlgoto.o `test -f 'mlgoto.cpp' || echo './'`mlgoto.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-mlgoto.Tpo .deps/ragel-mlgoto.Po g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../aapl -Wall -O2 -fPIC -MT ragel-mlfgoto.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ragel-mlfgoto.Tpo -c -o ragel-mlfgoto.o `test -f 'mlfgoto.cpp' || echo './'`mlfgoto.cpp mv -f .deps/ragel-mlfgoto.Tpo .deps/ragel-mlfgoto.Po g++ -Wall -O2 -fPIC -o ragel ragel-main.o ragel-parsetree.o ragel-parsedata.o ragel-fsmstate.o ragel-fsmbase.o ragel-fsmattach.o ragel-fsmmin.o ragel-fsmgraph.o ragel-fsmap.o ragel-rlscan.o ragel-rlparse.o ragel-inputdata.o ragel-common.o ragel-redfsm.o ragel-gendata.o ragel-cdcodegen.o ragel-cdtable.o ragel-cdftable.o ragel-cdflat.o ragel-cdfflat.o ragel-cdgoto.o ragel-cdfgoto.o ragel-cdipgoto.o ragel-cdsplit.o ragel-javacodegen.o ragel-rubycodegen.o ragel-rubytable.o ragel-rubyftable.o ragel-rubyflat.o ragel-rubyfflat.o ragel-rbxgoto.o ragel-cscodegen.o ragel-cstable.o ragel-csftable.o ragel-csflat.o ragel-csfflat.o ragel-csgoto.o ragel-csfgoto.o ragel-csipgoto.o ragel-cssplit.o ragel-dotcodegen.o ragel-xmlcodegen.o ragel-gocodegen.o ragel-gotable.o ragel-goftable.o ragel-goflat.o ragel-gofflat.o ragel-gogoto.o ragel-gofgoto.o ragel-goipgoto.o ragel-gotablish.o ragel-mlcodegen.o ragel-mltable.o ragel-mlftable.o ragel-mlflat.o ragel-mlfflat.o ragel-mlgoto.o ragel-mlfgoto.o make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9/ragel' make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9/ragel' Making all in doc make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9/doc' echo '|def|version{6.9}' | tr '|' '\\' > version.tex echo '|def|pubdate{Oct 2014}' | tr '|' '\\' >> version.tex fig2dev -L pdf bmconcat.fig bmconcat.pdf fig2dev -L pdf bmregex.fig bmregex.pdf fig2dev -L pdf dropdown.fig dropdown.pdf fig2dev -L pdf exdoneact.fig exdoneact.pdf fig2dev -L pdf exoutact1.fig exoutact1.pdf fig2dev -L pdf exstrongsubtr.fig exstrongsubtr.pdf fig2dev -L pdf lines2.fig lines2.pdf fig2dev -L pdf smallscanner.fig smallscanner.pdf fig2dev -L pdf bmnull.fig bmnull.pdf fig2dev -L pdf comments1.fig comments1.pdf fig2dev -L pdf entryguard.fig entryguard.pdf fig2dev -L pdf exinter.fig exinter.pdf fig2dev -L pdf exoutact2.fig exoutact2.pdf fig2dev -L pdf exsubtr.fig exsubtr.pdf fig2dev -L pdf lmkleene.fig lmkleene.pdf fig2dev -L pdf stembed.fig stembed.pdf fig2dev -L pdf bmnum.fig bmnum.pdf fig2dev -L pdf comments2.fig comments2.pdf fig2dev -L pdf exaction.fig exaction.pdf fig2dev -L pdf exnegate.fig exnegate.pdf fig2dev -L pdf explus.fig explus.pdf fig2dev -L pdf finguard.fig finguard.pdf fig2dev -L pdf opconcat.fig opconcat.pdf fig2dev -L pdf bmor.fig bmor.pdf fig2dev -L pdf conds1.fig conds1.pdf fig2dev -L pdf exallact.fig exallact.pdf fig2dev -L pdf exoption.fig exoption.pdf fig2dev -L pdf exstact.fig exstact.pdf fig2dev -L pdf leftguard.fig leftguard.pdf fig2dev -L pdf opor.fig opor.pdf fig2dev -L pdf bmrange.fig bmrange.pdf fig2dev -L pdf conds2.fig conds2.pdf fig2dev -L pdf exconcat.fig exconcat.pdf fig2dev -L pdf exor.fig exor.pdf fig2dev -L pdf exstar.fig exstar.pdf fig2dev -L pdf lines1.fig lines1.pdf fig2dev -L pdf opstar.fig opstar.pdf pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode ragel-guide.tex >/dev/null pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode ragel-guide.tex >/dev/null pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode ragel-guide.tex >/dev/null make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9/doc' make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9' make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'all-am'. make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9' Making install in ragel make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9/ragel' make install-am make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9/ragel' make[3]: Entering directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9/ragel' /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/package-ragel/usr/bin' /usr/bin/ginstall -c ragel '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/package-ragel/usr/bin' make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'install-data-am'. make[3]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9/ragel' make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9/ragel' make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9/ragel' Making install in doc make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9/doc' make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9/doc' make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/package-ragel/usr/doc/ragel-6.9' /usr/bin/ginstall -c -m 644 ragel-guide.pdf '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/package-ragel/usr/doc/ragel-6.9' /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/package-ragel/usr/man/man1' /usr/bin/ginstall -c -m 644 ragel.1 '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/package-ragel/usr/man/man1' make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9/doc' make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9/doc' make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9' make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9' make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/package-ragel/usr/doc/ragel-6.9' /usr/bin/ginstall -c -m 644 CREDITS ChangeLog '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/package-ragel/usr/doc/ragel-6.9' make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9' make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9' Slackware package maker, version 3.141593. Searching for symbolic links: No symbolic links were found, so we won't make an installation script. You can make your own later in ./install/ and rebuild the package if you like. This next step is optional - you can set the directories in your package to some sane permissions. If any of the directories in your package have special permissions, then DO NOT reset them here! Would you like to reset all directory permissions to 755 (drwxr-xr-x) and directory ownerships to root.root ([y]es, [n]o)? n Creating Slackware package: /usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9-x86_64-1salix.txz ./ usr/ usr/bin/ usr/bin/ragel usr/doc/ usr/doc/ragel-6.9/ usr/doc/ragel-6.9/README usr/doc/ragel-6.9/CREDITS usr/doc/ragel-6.9/ragel-guide.pdf usr/doc/ragel-6.9/COPYING usr/doc/ragel-6.9/AUTHORS usr/doc/ragel-6.9/TODO usr/doc/ragel-6.9/ChangeLog usr/doc/ragel-6.9/ragel.SlackBuild usr/doc/ragel-6.9/unicode2ragel.rb usr/doc/ragel-6.9/ragel.vim usr/man/ usr/man/man1/ usr/man/man1/ragel.1.gz install/ install/slack-desc Slackware package /usr/src/slapt-src/development/ragel/ragel-6.9-x86_64-1salix.txz created. Installing package ragel-6.9-x86_64-1salix... | ragel (State Machine Compiler) | | Ragel compiles executable finite state machines from regular | languages. Ragel targets C, C++, Objective-C, D, Java and Ruby. | Ragel state machines can not only recognize byte sequences as regular | expression machines do, but can also execute code at arbitrary points | in the recognition of a regular language. Code embedding is done using | inline operators that do not disrupt the regular language syntax. | | homepage: | | |