PACKAGE NAME: burncenter- PACKAGE LOCATION: ./salix/ap PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 12 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 48 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: burncenter: burncenter - a text-based frontend to UNIX cd-burning tools burncenter: burncenter: Burncenter is a very easy-to-use text-based interface to cd-burning burncenter: tools under UNIX (cdrecord, cdda2wav, mkisofs). Features include an burncenter: easy to use text interface, a non-interactive frontend (useful for burncenter: scripts), transparent multi-session support, creation of audio cd from burncenter: WAVE, OGG or MP3 files, or from playlists, data and audio copy CD burncenter: support, and cdrw support (fast and complete blanking). burncenter: The initial configuration should work out of the box. burncenter: burncenter: