#Maintainer: George Vlahavas <vlahavas~at~gmail~dot~com> pkgname=libdca pkgver=0.0.5 pkgrel=1rl source=(http://download.videolan.org/pub/videolan/libdca/0.0.5/libdca-0.0.5.tar.bz2) docs=("readme" "install" "copying" "changelog" "authors" "news" "todo") url=http://www.videolan.org/developers/libdca.html slackdesc=\ ( #|-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------| "libdca - a free DTS Coherent Acoustics decoder" "libdca is a free library for decoding DTS Coherent Acoustics streams." "The code is written by Gildas Bazin and was based on the a52dec" "project. It is released under the terms of the GPL license." ) build() { cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver ./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX} --localstatedir=/var --sysconfdir=/etc --disable-static make || return 1 make install DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg }