#Packager: George Vlahavas <vlahavas~at~gmail~dot~com> pkgname=pexpect pkgver=4.0.1 pkgrel=1gv source=("https://github.com/pexpect/pexpect/archive/$pkgver.tar.gz") docs=("authors" "install" "readme" "copying") url=https://github.com/pexpect/pexpect slackdesc=\ ( #|-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------| "pexpect (Python module for spawning child applications)" "Pexpect is a Python module for spawning child applications," "controlling them, and responding to expected patterns in their output." "pexpect can be used for automating interactive applications such as" "ssh, ftp, passwd, telnet, etc. Pexpect is pure Python." ) build() { cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver python setup.py install --prefix=/usr --root=$startdir/pkg }