#Packager:Richard Lapointe <richard~at~laprjns~dot~com> #Previous Packager: George Vlahavas <vlahavas~at~gmail~dot~com> #Previous previous packager: Andreas Born <futur(dot)andy(at)web(dot)de> pkgname=audacity pkgver=2.1.2 pkgrel=1rl source=("https://github.com/audacity/audacity/archive/Audacity-2.1.2.tar.gz" \ "audacity-ffmpeg.patch") sourcetemplate=http://people.salixos.org/laprjns/$pkgname/$pkgver/ docs=("readme.txt" "license.txt") url='http://www.audacity.de' #doinst() { #} slackdesc=\ ( #|-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------| "$pkgname (cross-platform sound editor)" "Audacity is a free, easy-to-use audio editor and recorder, which can" "be used to:" " * Record live audio." " * Convert tapes and records into digital recordings or CDs." " * Edit Ogg Vorbis, MP3, WAV or AIFF sound files." " * Cut, copy, splice or mix sounds together." " * Change the speed or pitch of a recording." " * And more! See the complete list of features" " (http://audacity.sourceforge.net/about/features)" ) build() { set -e cd $startdir/src/audacity-Audacity-$pkgver #cd audacity-Audacity-${pkgver} patch -p1 -i "${startdir}/audacity-ffmpeg.patch" ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --libdir=/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX} \ --localstatedir=/var \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --mandir=/usr/man \ --docdir=/usr/doc/$pkgname-$pkgver/ \ --enable-unicode \ --enable-nyquist \ --with-expat=system \ --with-libvorbis=system \ --with-libmad=system \ --with-libflac=system \ --with-libsndfile=system \ --with-libid3tag=system \ --with-libsoxr \ --with-portaudio \ --with-ladspa \ --with-ffmpeg=system \ --without-lv2 \ --with-soundtouch \ --with-libtwolame=system \ --with-sbsms \ --with-midi \ --with-portmixer \ --without-libvamp \ --without-libresample \ --without-libsamplerate \ --build=$arch-slackware-linux || return 1 # ensure we use the system headers for these, note we do this after # configure as it wants to run sub-configures in these dirs for i in ffmpeg expat libid3tag libflac libmad libresample libsndfile libvamp lv2 soundtouch twolame; do rm -rf lib-src/$i done make -j $numjobs || return 1 make install DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg || return 1 install -vd $startdir/pkg/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps convert $startdir/pkg/usr/share/pixmaps/audacity.xpm -transparent white $startdir/pkg/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/audacity.png sed -i "s/Icon=\/usr\/share\/audacity\/audacity.xpm/Icon=audacity/" $startdir/pkg/usr/share/applications/audacity.desktop install -vd $startdir/pkg/usr/share/audacity set +e }