#Packager: George Vlahavas # _cpanname is the module name as provided in CPAN. # For example: Archive-Zip # The corresponding package will be named: perl-Archive-Zip _cpanname=Pod-Parser pkgname=perl-${_cpanname} pkgver=1.63 pkgrel=1gv source=("https://cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/M/MA/MAREKR/Pod-Parser-$pkgver.tar.gz") docs=("readme" "install" "copying" "changelog" "authors" "news" "todo" "announce") url=https://metacpan.org/pod/Pod::Parser slackdesc=\ ( #|-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------| "perl-Pod-Parser (base class for creating POD filters and translators)" "Pod::Parser is a base class for creating POD filters and translators." "It handles most of the effort involved with parsing the POD sections" "from an input stream, leaving subclasses free to be concerned only" "with performing the actual translation of text." ) build() { cd $startdir/src/${_cpanname}-$pkgver perl Makefile.PL || exit 1 make OPTIMIZE="$CFLAGS" || exit 1 make install INSTALLDIRS=vendor DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg || exit 1 # Remove perllocal.pod and .packlist if present in the package ( for i in perllocal.pod .packlist; do find $startdir/pkg -name "$i" -exec rm -rf {} \; done ) || exit 1 }