PACKAGE NAME: spectmorph-0.5.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./salix/audio PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 30056 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 120224 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: aaa_libraries|bzip2,aaa_libraries|gcc,aaa_libraries|gcc-g++,aaa_libraries|glib2,aaa_libraries|libpng,aaa_libraries|pcre,aaa_libraries|xz,aaa_libraries|zstd,brotli,cairo,fftw,flac,fontconfig,freetype,graphite2,harfbuzz,icu4c,libX11,libXau,libXdmcp,libXext,libXrender,libao,libglvnd,libogg,libsndfile,libvorbis,libxcb,libxml2,opus,pcre2,pipewire,pipewire-native-jack,pixman,qt5,zlib,jack,lv2 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: spectmorph: spectmorph (Analyze samples and combine them) spectmorph: SpectMorph is a free software project which allows to analyze spectmorph: samples of musical instruments, and to combine them (morphing). spectmorph: It can be used to construct hybrid sounds, for instance a sound spectmorph: between a trumpet and a flute; or smooth transitions, for spectmorph: instance a sound that starts as a trumpet and then gradually spectmorph: changes to a flute. In its current version, SpectMorph ships spectmorph: with many ready-to-use instruments which can be combined spectmorph: using morphing. spectmorph: spectmorph: