PACKAGE NAME: yaze-ag-2.51.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./salix/misc PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 2635 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 10540 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: yaze-ag: yaze-ag (yet another z80 emulator ) yaze-ag: yaze-ag: is designed to provide an exact simulation of the Z80 microprocessor. yaze-ag: It is fast, emulates undocumented opcodes, and passes instruction yaze-ag: regression tests against real Z80 hardware. yaze-ag: NEW in yaze-ag version 2.xx is the support of an emulated Memory yaze-ag: Management Unit (MMU) and the BIOS which supports CP/M 3.1. yaze-ag: yaze-ag: YAZE-AG is a Z80-CPU-Emulator and NOT a CP/M-Emulator! yaze-ag: Inside the Emulator runs an original CP/M or a replacement of CP/M. yaze-ag: Please visit homepage for further reading on this excelent emulator.