# sample /etc/cgitrc file: two repos are defined # you can see a demo here http://cgit.ponce.cc/ # For more options, see cgitrc.5.txt in the docs folder root-title=ponce's repository browser root-desc=a fast interface to these git repositories virtual-root=/ snapshots=tar.gz branch-sort=age # for this to work you have to build cgit against lua # and install luacrypto too. # you wull have also to add email-gravatar-sbo-additions.css # at the bottom of your installed cgit.css email-filter=lua:/usr/share/cgit/filters/email-gravatar-sbo.lua #css=/cgit.css #logo=/cgit.png # repository specific data repo.url=slackbuilds repo.path=/path/to/repo/.git repo.desc=slackbuilds.org fork for slackware-current repo.owner=my.address _at_ my.isp # the default branch here is set to current (default if omitted is master) repo.defbranch=current repo.clone-url=git://github.com/Ponce/slackbuilds.git # if you need to display other repositories you can more config blocks # like the one above