.. RST source for crc32_simple(1) man page. Convert with: .. rst2man.py crc32_simple.rst > crc32_simple.1 .. rst2man.py comes from the SBo development/docutils package. .. |version| replace:: 20120911 .. |date| date:: .. converting from pod: .. s/B<\([^>]*\)>/**\1**/g .. s/I<\([^>]*\)>/*\1*/g ============ crc32_simple ============ --------------------------------- calculate standard crc32 checksum --------------------------------- :Manual section: 1 :Manual group: SlackBuilds.org :Date: |date| :Version: |version| SYNOPSIS ======== crc32_simple [filenames] DESCRIPTION =========== Simple public domain implementation of the standard CRC32 checksum. Outputs the checksum for each file given as a command line argument. Invalid file names and files that cause errors are silently skipped. The program reads from stdin if it is called with no arguments. AUTHORS ======= crc32_simple was written by Björn Samuelsson. This man page written for the SlackBuilds.org project by B. Watson, and is licensed under the WTFPL.