Labwc is a wlroots-based stacking compositor aiming to be lightweight and independent, with a focus on simply stacking windows well and rendering some window decorations. It relies on clients for wallpaper, panels, screenshots, and so on to create a full desktop environment. Labwc tries to stay in keeping with wlroots and sway in terms of general approach and coding style. In order to avoid reinventing configuration and theme syntax, the openbox-3.4 specification is used. This does not mean that labwc is an openbox clone but rather that configuration files will look and feel familiar. labwc supports the following: •Config files (rc.xml, autostart, environment) •Theme files and xbm icons •Damage tracking to reduce CPU usage •A basic root-menu (configured with menu.xml) •HiDPI •wlr-output-management protocol •layer-shell protocol •foreign-toplevel protocol (e.g. to integrate with panels and bars) •Optionally xwayland Labwc uses the files listed below for configuration and theming. get them from labwc github web page. file user over-ride location •rc.xml ~/.config/labwc/ •menu.xml ~/.config/labwc/ •autostart ~/.config/labwc/ •environment ~/.config/labwc/ •themerc ~/.local/share/themes//openbox-3/ Suggested apps to use with labwc: Suggested apps to use with labwc: •Screen shooter: grim •Screen recorder: wf-recorder •Background image: swaybg •Panel: waybar, yambar, lavalauncher, sfwbar •Launchers: bemenu, fuzzel, wofi •Output managers: wlopm, kanshi, wlr-randr •Screen locker: swaylock