Oomox is a graphical application for generating different color
variations of a Oomox (Numix-based), Materia and Arc themes (GTK2,
GTK3, Cinnamon, GNOME, Openbox, Xfwm), Gnome-Colors and Archdroid
icon themes.

You may specify alternate versions of any of the plugins by passing the
corresponding variables to the script

ARCHDROIDVER    (for icons_archdroid)
GNOMECOLORSVER  (for icons_gnomecolors)
BASE16VER       (for import_base16)
OOMOXIFYVER     (for oomoxify)
ARCVER          (for theme_arc)
MATERIAVER      (for theme_materia)
OOMOXVER        (for theme_oomox)

for example

  OOMOXVER=  ARCHDROIDVER=1.0.2  ./oomox.SlackBuild

but you will need to manually place the corresponding tarball(s) in the
slackbuild directory.

Optional dependencies are: inkscape, optipng