.. RST source for fasm(1) man page. Convert with: .. rst2man.py fasm.rst > fasm.1 .. rst2man.py comes from the SBo development/docutils package. .. |version| replace:: 1.73.29 .. |date| date:: ==== fasm ==== --------------------------------------------------- fast assembler for the x86 and x86-64 architectures --------------------------------------------------- :Manual section: 1 :Manual group: SlackBuilds.org :Date: |date| :Version: |version| SYNOPSIS ======== fasm [**-d** *name=value* ...] [**-m** *mem-limit*] [**-p** *pass-limit*] [**-s** *symbol-file*] *source-file* [*output-file*] DESCRIPTION =========== **fasm** (aka flat assembler) is a fast assembler for the x86 and x86-64 architectures. When executed, it will assemble the given source file. If no *output-file* is given, the output filename will be the *source-file* name with the extension replaced with *.o*. OPTIONS ======= The space between an option and its argument is optional (**-m10** and **-m 10** are both acceptable). **-d** *name=value* Predefine a symbol (variable). May be given multiple times, as needed. **-m** *mem-limit* Set the limit in *1024-byte* kilobytes for the amount of memory **fasm** can use. If the limit is exceeded, **fasm** will exit with an "out of memory" error and nonzero exit status. Default is 16384 (aka 16MB), minimum is 1, maximum allowed is 4194303 (~4GB)... but values ~4000000 and up can cause **fasm** to segfault. **-p** *pass-limit* Set the maximum number of passes **fasm** will make over the source. Default is 100; maximum is 65536. **-s** *symbol-file* Dump symbolic information for debugging to *symbol-file*. This file can be processed with the **listing**, **symbols**, or **prepsrc** tools: see /usr/doc/fasm-|version|/tools-readme.txt for details. EXIT STATUS =========== Zero for successful completion, 1 for invalid command-line option(s), or non-zero (apparently always 255) for any fatal assembly error. COPYRIGHT ========= See the file /usr/doc/fasm-|version|/license.txt for license information. AUTHORS ======= **fasm** was written by Tomasz Grysztar. This man page written for the SlackBuilds.org project by B. Watson, and is licensed under the WTFPL. SEE ALSO ======== The full documentation: /usr/doc/fasm-|version|/fasm.txt The fasm homepage: https://flatassembler.net