onetrueawk (port of original UNIX awk) This is the version of awk described in "The AWK Programming Language", by Al Aho, Brian Kernighan, and Peter Weinberger (Addison-Wesley, 1988, ISBN 0-201-07981-X). It is still maintained, and has received many bug fixes since the book was released. The code is released under a BSD-style license. The executable and man page are installed as "otawk", to avoid conflicting with Slackware's own gawk package. Also, otawk is installed to /opt/onetrueawk/bin/awk, so you can use it as the default awk by adjusting your user's $PATH (but it's not recommended to do this system-wide). If you want to run the test suite, export MAKETEST=yes in the environment. The test results will be saved to: /usr/doc/onetrueawk-$VERSION/maketest.log