ds-models (3D model packs for skulltag) ds-models allows Skulltag to play Doom, Heretic, and Hexen with OpenGL and 3D models, which gives it a much more modern look. This model set was released by -=Dark-Assassin=- on the SkullTag forum. As of r15, ds-models supports Zandronum, but there's no SlackBuild for Zandronum yet, so no support for it here (yet). This includes a script called "ds-skulltag" for starting skulltag with the models preloaded. To make skulltag always use the models, edit and/or ~/.skulltag/skulltag.ini and add the following lines under the [Global.Autoload] marker: Path=/usr/share/games/doom/GZ-Models.pk3 Path=/usr/share/games/doom/ST-Models.pk3 Note that the models will only be displayed if skulltag is using the OpenGL renderer (Options | Display Options in the in-game menu). Note: gzdoom doesn't display these models properly.