prboom-plus (Doom source port) PrBoom+ is a Doom source port developed from the original PrBoom project. Features uncapped framerate, widescreen aspect ratios, soundfont support, variable gamespeed, re-record, walkcam, chasecam, full mouselook, variable FOV, and other features along with full compatibility with the original Doom/Doom2 engines. The documentation refers to a directory into which an IWAD file (doom.wad, doom2.wad, tnt.wad, plutonia.wad, or the shareware doom1.wad) may be placed. The IWAD directory is /usr/share/games/doom. If you don't have any IWADs, install doom_shareware_data to play shareware Doom. Optional dependencies, autodetected: portmidi - for the PortMIDI backend. Most users won't need this. dumb - somehow, this can be used for music. No idea how to enable it, but if dumb is detected, prboom-plus will link with it. *** NOTE *** Currently the SDL MIDI player is broken. The default player in this build is OPL2. You won't be able to select SDL from the "Preferred MIDI Player" menu in the game options. If you have an old config file that sets snd_midiplayer to "sdl", the music will sound *really* messed up. If this happens, simply edit ~/.prboom-plus/prboom-plus.cfg and remove the line containing snd_midiplayer. Or just delete the file, to start with default settings. If you don't like the sound of the OPL2 music, you can try using FluidSynth instead (Options -> General -> Preferred MIDI Player in the user interface). Other options (PortMIDI and ALSA) may be usable but will require more setup, outside the scope of this README.