tetrinetx (TetriNET server) tetrinetx provides a server for hosting TetriNet games. TetriNet is a multiplayer variant of Tetris played over the Internet. Up to six people may simultaneously connect to a server to participate in a game. tetrinetx supports only the original game mode, *not* TetriFAST mode. Clients attempting to connect in TetriFAST mode will be immediately disconnected. If you want to start the tetrinetx service at boot, add code like this to your /etc/rc.d/rc.local: if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.tetrinetx ]; then /etc/rc.d/rc.tetrinetx start fi The daemon runs as the 'games' user. See the tetrinetx(6) man page for details. IPv6 support is a compile-time choice. It's not possible to include both IPv6 and IPv4 support. The default is IPv6. To build with IPv4 support instead, run the script with IPV4=yes in the environment.