.. RST source for imgcurses(1) man page. Convert with: .. rst2man.py imgcurses.rst > imgcurses.1 .. rst2man.py comes from the SBo development/docutils package. .. |version| replace:: 20151107_de613ca .. |date| date:: ========= imgcurses ========= ---------------------------- character-based image viewer ---------------------------- :Manual section: 1 :Manual group: SlackBuilds.org :Date: |date| :Version: |version| SYNOPSIS ======== imgcurses *filename* DESCRIPTION =========== **imgcurses** is a smart console-based image viewer, using color ASCII art. **imgcurses** supports TGA, PNG, and JPEG images. Images are scaled to fit the terminal size. CONTROLS ======== **[** Zoom out. **]** Zoom in. **Arrow Keys** Scroll. **m** Change mode (solid, value, color, detail). **q** Quit. COPYRIGHT ========= See the file /usr/doc/imgcurses-|version|/LICENSE.md for license information. AUTHORS ======= imgcurses was written by Daniel Holden. This man page written for the SlackBuilds.org project by B. Watson, and is licensed under the WTFPL. SEE ALSO ======== The imgcurses homepage: https://github.com/orangeduck/imgcurses