Hamlib (the ham radio control libraries) Hamlib is a development effort to provide a consistent C language interface for programmers wanting to incorporate radio controls in their programs. Network daemons for radio and rotator control, along with language bindings for C++, Perl, Python, TCL, and Lua are included. Optional language bindings To build either or all of the Perl, Python, or TCL bindings, pass one of or in combination: PL_MOD=yes PY_MOD=yes TCL_MOD=yes to the build script. Optional Lua binding Also available are bindings for Lua 5.2 or later. As Lua 5.2 and Lua 5.3 are now available from SlackBuilds.org, once the preferred version of Lua is installed, the Lua bindings may be built by passing: LUA_VER=5.2 LUA_VER=5.3 to the build script. Optional Python3 binding (experimental) For those wishing to experiment with Python3 and Hamlib, bindings may be built (exclusive of the normal Python2 bindings) by passing: PY3_MOD=yes to the build script. This option overrides PY_MOD. While Python allows for version 2 and 3 modules to be installed concurrently, and while there does exist a method for doing so with Hamlib, that has not been included in this build script at this time. If concurrent installation is needed, please contact the build script maintainer. All four bindings (either of the Python and either of the Lua versions) may be passed to the script to enable all bindings at build time.