This library aims to be a portable C implementation of AV1 image file format.It can encode and decode all AOM supported YUV formats and bit depths. It builds an decoder avifdec and encoder avifenc. avifdec can convert from avif to jpeg or png image. avifenc can encode jpeg or png to avif image. By default man page generation is turned off hence from now on pandoc is an optional dependency.Alternative documentation for avifdec and avifenc is provided in /usr/doc/libavif-$VERSION in the form of markdown files. If you enable tests in the build script then gtest needs to be installed. By default this is also turned off. usage: ------- avifdec [-options] input.avif output.jpeg|jpeg|png|y4m avifdec -h will show help avifenc [-options] input.jpg|jpeg|png|y4m output.avif avifenc -h will show help