Modprobed-db is a useful utility for users wishing to build a minimal kernel via a make localmodconfig. In a nutshell, this make target creates a config based on the current config and a list of modules you define (modprobed-db keeps for you). It then disables any module option that is not needed thus not building hundreds/potentially thousands of extraneous modules. This results in a system-specific, streamlined kernel package and footprint as well as reduced compilation times. Modprobed-db simply logs every module ever probed on the target system to a text-based database which can be read directly by "make localmodconfig" as described above. To automatically run modprobed-db every hour add the following to your user's crontab (run "crontab -e"): 0 */1 * * * /usr/bin/modprobed-db store &> /dev/null