Changelog for the uavs3e SlackBuild script. -------------------------------------------------- 03/09/2022: Added to SBo. 06/02/2023: When compiling on 32-bit systems you will run into an error during the linking stage with the error being: undefined reference to _mm_extract_epi64, even if you patched the CMakeLists.txt and adding the CFLAGS not to detect the AVX2 and SSE4.1 flags it will not work because then you will have another error- incompatible types when initializing type _m128i using type 'int' in the file cost_avx2.c in the src directory.So in short uavs3e is not supported on x86 or ARM-32 bit architecture. patched the CMakeLists to set the libdir properly. 21/02/2023: Fixed the Slackbuild script and resubmitted to SBo.