This package contains two type of fonts: TW-Kai and TW-Sung, which are provided by CNS11643 Chinese Standard Interchange Code Master Ideographs from Taiwan. A config file is included, 35-CNS11643-font.conf, which binds the Windows counterparts "MingLiU" (細明體) and "PMingLiU" (新細明體) to TW-Sung, and "DFKai-SB", "UKai" (標楷體) to TW-Kai. If you want it copied into /etc/fonts/conf.avail, add the environment variable "ADDCONF=yes" in front of the SlackBuild. I recommend running the SlackBuild like this: ADDCONF=yes ./CNS11643-font.SlackBuild If you're using a SlackBuild manager, the way of adding variables may differ; please consult the manual of your program for instructions. If you don't want your default fonts replaced, you can add this to /etc/fonts/conf.avail/50-user.conf between the tags: (please replace the font names according to the comments) serif Noto Serif Noto Serif CJK TC sans-serif Noto Sans Noto Sans CJK TC monospace Liberation Mono Liberation Mono Liberation Mono Sarasa Fixed TC system-ui Noto Sans Noto Sans CJK TC The source file can be found at "", and the license can be found at "". Note that the license is CC BY-ND ("").