The Color Transformation Language, or CTL, is a programming language
for digital color management.

Digital color management requires translating digital images between
different representations or color spaces. The Color Transformation
Language, or CTL, is a small programming language that was designed to
serve as a building block for digital color management systems.

CTL allows users to describe color transforms in a concise and
unambiguous way by expressing them as programs. In order to apply a
given transform to an image, the color management system instructs
a CTL interpreter to load and run the CTL program that describes the
transform. The original and the transformed image constitute the CTL
program's input and output.


This package provides:

* CTL libraries and the CTL interpreter CTL documentation sample CTL
* applications utilizing IlmImfCtl the ctlrender application to use
* CTL transforms on an image using one or more CTL scripts,
  potentially converting the file format in the process